
Diamond Invisalign Provider In Dublin and Tracy, CA

Diamond Invisalign Provider in Dublin and Tracy, CA, Serving Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Danville, Livermore, Castro Valley, Tracy, San Leandro, Hayward and Fremont, CA

Invisalign – The Clear Alternative To Metal Braces

Dr. Gonzales is an Diamond Invisalign Provider in Dublin and Tracy, CA. Invisalign straightens your teeth using series of clear, plastic aligners. With clear braces or ceramic braces, the wire is still typically visible at a distance, and the brackets are almost always noticeable up close. While clear braces or ceramic braces might be a good option for someone who is frequently in front of a camera or takes a lot of pictures, it isn’t a completely clear solution. With Invisalign, the aligners are completely clear, so no one will even know you are straightening your teeth!

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Eat What You Want & Play What You Want With Invisalign!

Invisalign aligners are removable, so you are able to straighten your teeth without dietary restrictions. This also means you don’t have to worry about adjusting to play your wind or brass instrument or find a specific mouth guard when you play sports! You’ll simply remove your trays when you’re ready to eat or play! With Invisalign, you have more freedom. Additionally, with traditional metal braces, you may need an adjustment period to essentially relearn how to play a wind or brass instrument. If you play sports, you have to wear a special mouth guard to protect your mouth and appliance. With Invisalign, the trays are removable, so you don’t have to worry about an adjustment period for playing instruments or getting brace-ready mouth guards. You can play what you want, when you want. No limitations!

Less Maintenance & A Healthier From Our Diamond Invisalign Provider In Dublin And Tracy, Ca

Getting used to traditional metal braces can sometimes be a pain, literally. The sharp metal appliances can cause irritation to your gums and cheeks while you get used to the brackets and wire on your teeth. You will often have to use special wax when the irritation becomes unbearable. With Invisalign, the smooth plastic aligners cause no irritation. You don’t have to fret when you run out of wax, because there is no need for it! You simply pop the aligners on and go! With Invisalign aligners, you brush your teeth and gums the same way you did before your treatment process began. You simply remove the aligners to brush and floss. Your aligners are easy to care for as well; you just brush and rinse before or after you brush your teeth! Invisalign keeps it easy for you!

Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen features a built-in easy-to-track indicator that lets your child know when it is time to use the next set of trays. The blue dot on the outside of the tray itself turns clear when it is time to change to the next series of clear aligners. Now your child doesn’t have to worry about unappealing school photos, uncomfortable first dates, or missing out on having their favorite foods with friends! Invisalign Teen clear aligners are also comfortable and durable, so your child doesn’t have to worry about the discomfort of poking and broken wires. Furthermore, while most teens are very compliant with aligner wear and tear, most parents worry about their teens losing or misplacing their clear aligners. Thankfully, Invisalign Teen includes several free replacement aligners should they be needed. Let Invisalign Teen take the stress of braces out of your child’s teen years!


Dr. Gonzales has put together this free report about Invisalign:

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